Now, give your child the RBGS advantage!
- A Smarter way to Learn
- An Exciting Curriculum
- Integrated Learning
- Prioritizing all – Round Development
- Teacher, Mentor, Friend
- Global Foundation

A Smarter way to Learn
Given the competitive scenario, RBGS is an exciting option for parents who want to give their children a head start in life. Learning goes beyond the textbooks that enables them to adapt to any situation that life may present.
An Exciting Curriculum
The very curriculum at RBGS is different. It is dynamic, current, and thoughtfully designed to develop a specific set of skills, aptitudes and abilities. An inquiry based approach forms the core concept of the curriculum transaction which teaches students to explore, gather, process, refine and present information.
Integrated Learning
RBGS follows what is best described as a process of integrated learning- an evolved system where students learn their individual subjects and are simultaneously taught to relate to each other in a particular situation.
Prioritizing All – Round Development
Sports, games, arts crafts, music, excursions, heritage studies, competitions and exhibitions are an integral part of the curriculum at RBGS. In addition to these, children undertake activities that develop a strong sense of social and environmental conscience, thus, making them all-rounders.

Teacher, Mentor, Friend
At RBGS, respect-not fear is the emotion that teachers develop in their students. The teacher student ratio is as low as 1: 15 to ensure greater individual guidance.
Global Foundation
The RBGS approach to education gives children a strong foundation and also prepares them for challenges they may face ahead in life-at the global level. The kind of environment, the approach, the system, all these make a considerable difference.